Hoofmaker - tavoitteena terveet kaviot! Äärimmäisen tehokas täydennysrehu kavioille. Tiivistetyt pelletit sisältävät runsaasti biotiiniä, kalsiumia, metioniinia, sinkkiä, kuparia ja aminohappoja. 50 gramman kerta-annos sisältää 37,5 mg biotiiniä 3 kg pakkaus sisältää 60 päivän annoksen. Erittäin maittava. Ruokintaohje Pelletit tulee antaa väkirehujen seassa.. Hevoset: 1 mitallinen (50 g) päivässä Ponit ja varsat: 1 mitallinen (50 g) joka toinen päivä Parhaan tuloksen saavuttamiseksi suositellaan Hoofmakeria syötettäväksi 180 päivän ajan. This sulphur enriched formula will ensure that important nutrients are supplied to the horses diet, to optimise hoof growth and improve integrity of the hoof. It contains a concentrated source of the sulphur rich amino acid Methionine and the sulphur rich nutrient MSM. Keratin sulphate the structural component of the hoof horn has a high sulphur content. It contains a very high level of Biotin 37.5mg per daily serving. Also included are Calcium, essential for cohesion in the hoof wall, Zinc which is required for healing of all epidermal tissue and other amino acids which are the building blocks of protein. Foot Care – A Three Fold Approach Nutrition All horses in training should receive a balanced diet, if they are expected to perform at the very highest level. Nourishment of the hoof and the underlying structures should receive primary attention, as they are the foundation of the horse. Lameness is the biggest reason for under performance in the horse. Interestingly, foot lameness is the most common type of lameness seen in the equine athlete.4Hoofmaker is the ultimate feed supplement for hooves, because it provides essential nutrients to nourish every tissue in the hoof horn. Foot Hygiene First and foremost, stables should be designed to incorporate a ‘run-off’ for urine and water. Fresh air should be a priority in the stable environment. The choice of bedding is subjective, however it is important that whatever bedding used, it should not be too dry as this will compromise the natural moisture content of the hoof horn. The bedding should be kept as fresh as possible. This will reduce the build up and establishment of endemic bacteria and fungi within the stable environment. Several of these micro-organisms have a natural tropism for hoof tissue e.g. Thrush. Farriery A qualified farrier should always conduct trimming and shoeing work. The farrier has a huge influence on the balance of the foot. Preparation of the hoof, the type of shoe used and its placement, will all affect the displacement of force on the forefoot and adjoining limb. Many hoof defects are multi-factorial in their origin. Incorrect shoeing and neglect can be one of the pre-disposing factors to disease and the breakdown of hoof horn function, cracks and brittle hooves. Proper hoof care, hygienic housing conditions and the feeding of Hoofmaker combined, are the best approach for ensuring hoof health and optimum hoof growth. How does Hoofmaker...