Make Your Game YourOwn! As the Game Master of a Pathfinder campaign,you're the architect of your players' adventures-a rewarding but sometimeschallenging responsibility. With this book, your job just got a whole loteasier! Whether you're building your own monsters and adventures, looking fornew subsystems to play out cinematic chases or tense infiltrations, or simplywant to speed up your game with scores of NPCs ready for action, the GamemasteryGuide has you covered! The Pathfinder Gamemastery Guideincludes: * Rules, advice, and guidelines to build adventures,campaigns, and the denizens and treasures that lurk within, from settlements tonations to infinite planes! * Creative variant rules to customize therules to make the game your own, including variant bonus, feat, and magic itemprogressions, characters gaining the power of multiple classes at once, andmore! * All sorts of new and variant magic items including intelligentitems, cursed items, artifacts, quirks you can add to items, and a brand newtype of item called a relic that scales with your character! * Acatalog of subsystems to handle unique situations, from thrilling chases toresearching mysteries to vehicle combat to elaborate duels to sandbox-style'hexploration' and more! Plus, a universal victory point system tohelp you design your own subsystems! * More than 60 new NPCs to use inyour game, designed for maximum usefulness to all Pathfindercampaigns!